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Password search


Start with this zip.

Uncomment and then write the following methods


  • public boolean findSalary(int salary) that will return true if salary is located or false if is not there
  • public boolean findSalary(int[] salariesToCheck) that will check to see if any salariestocheck are in there

Uncomment to sort the array using the static method.


After you sort:

Uncomment and then write the following methods

  • fastFind
  • fastFind(int[] salariesToCheck)



Now the passwords, here are the lists. Write these methods:


  • binarySearch(String password) that will return the location of the first time password is used
  • public int findHowMany (String yourPassword) that will return how many of the list are yourPassword (use binarySearch above)
  • public String[] findTop(int howMany) this will return an array of the all passwords that have been used howMany times
  • public void findAllDerivatives(String word) that will print all the passwords that contain word and how many of each there are. (use indexOf)So if they put hello; it might say helloDude - 4,hihello-3 and so on.

High flyers:

  • boolean isHackResistant(String yourPassword) that checks to make sure the password is atleast 6 characters long with at least 1 number and letter in it.
  • boolean isHackProof (String yourPassword) that checks to make sure the password is atleast 6 characters long with at least 1 number and it has been used less than 3 times out of 200000)